Implementation of contract project activities BGENERGY-2.003-0018-C01 from 25.05.2023
In connection with the implementation of contract BGENERGY-2.003-0018-C01 of 25.05.2023 under procedure BGENERGY-2.003 “Energy Efficiency in Industry” and concluded contracts with selected suppliers, the company proceeded to the implementation of the project activities.
The following assets will be delivered and installed in the production plant under each of the concluded contracts:
Energy monitoring system
-Contract BGENERGY-2.003-0018-C01-Su-01 of 30.11.2023 with contractor “3 Energy Solutions” Ltd. for Energy Consumption Measurement and Control System – 1 pc.
The measure includes the use of the already developed building management system (BMS) and its upgrade to an energy metering and control system.
The estimated energy savings for the enterprise are 10% and are calculated from the consumption of the activities covered by the measure – electricity machines and systems and natural gas consumers.
The baseline is 2021, when natural gas consumption was 1388,5 MWh and electricity consumption was 6234,2 MWh.
The estimated energy savings are:
From natural gas – 10% of 1388,5 – 138,85 MWh
From electricity – 10% of 6234,2 – 623,42 MWh
Total energy savings for the system 762,27 MWh
Waste heat recovery and reuse system
Currently BHTC EOOD has a waste heat recovery system for the compressors. In practice, the necessary domestic hot water heating is provided all year round entirely from the waste heat of the compressors. One of the compressors – L45- 10A is a screw compressor with fixed speed and air cooling – capacity 8 m3/min at 7,5 Bar. The compressor is used for base load as it is not frequency controlled, and runs about 8400 hours per year. The waste heat from this compressor with an electrical output of 45 kW is not recovered. The measure includes the construction of a system to capture and reuse waste heat from the L45-10A baseload compressor.
The calculation of the effect is based on catalog data for the compressor from the manufacturer.With an inlet water temperature of 25oC and a compressor heat exchanger outlet water temperature of 75oC, 41 kW is captured as heat from 45 kW of electrical power.With 8200 hours of operation, the heat captured is expected to reach 41*8400= 344 400 kWh.The losses in the piping path for the transfer of poisonous heat are estimated at 2%, i.e. the useful heat energy to be used in the industrial system is 337 512 kWh/y.This energy will cover about 24% of the natural gas consumption for the base year 2021 (1388.5 MWh).
Solar thermal system to aid the fresh air drying process
-Contract BGENERGY-2.003-0018-C01-Su-03 dated 30.11.2023 with contractor AERPLAST Ltd. for Solar Thermal System to support the fresh air drying process – 1 pc.
The Installation of a Waste Heat Recovery and Reuse System is pending- 1 pc.
The heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system of BHTC EOOD is critical to the production process in the company, as the operation of the machines requires maintaining temperature and humidity within certain parameters. The system consists of chillers, natural gas and electric boilers, chambers, dehumidifiers and other ancillary equipment. Calculation of the expected effect of the measure The calculation of the effect has been done with TSOL 2021 (R4) software, given the parameters of the collectors, the climatic data for the Sofia-Bozhurishte area and the system characteristics. With a system efficiency of 65%, the solar energy recovered is expected to be 76 252 kWh. Solar energy will replace natural gas energy.
Compress-air control system
Contract BGENERGY-2.003-0018-C01-Su-02 dated 30.11.2023 with contractor B.M.S. ENGINEERING LTD for Compressed Air Management System – 1 pc.
Compressed air is necessary for the operation of the main machines in the plant. Compressed air supply is required for the machines located in the production at elevation +0.00 and the laboratory located at elevation +5.41.
Total consumption for production is 20.17 m3/min at 8 bar pressure. Currently no group control is provided and the switching of the compressors is done by the maintenance staff.
The compressor controllers allow the compressors to be directly interconnected to make a compressor self-managing group, which can be subsequently increased to a maximum of 4 compressors.
Calculation of the expected effect of the measure: The baseline is 2021, when the electricity consumed for the compressors is estimated at 615 000 kWh. The expected savings from system optimisation are estimated at 10% – 61.5 MWh