On 25 May 2023, Behr-Hella Thermocontrol EOOD concluded a Grant Award Contract under Procedure BGENERGY-2.003 “Energy Efficiency in Industry” to the Operational Programme called “Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Security”. The “Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Security“ Programme (hereinafter referred to as “the Programme”) is funded by the Financial Mechanism from the European Economic Area (FM from EEA) 2014-2021. On 9 December 2016, the Ministry of Energy was appointed Programme Operator (PO) of the Programme with the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on the implementation of the Financial Mechanism from the European Economic Area 2014-2021. The Programme is implemented in partnership with the Norwegian Directorate for Water Resources and Energy (NVE) and the National Energy Authority of Iceland (ОS).

The purpose of the Project

The purpose of the Project Proposal is to reduce the carbon intensity and strengthen the security of supplies by achieving the following results:

∙  Improving the energy efficiency in the building

∙ Increasing the expert capacity in the field of renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy management.